Dot Rose

Navigator Color Cube

Netscape Navigator uses a "Color Cube" of 216 colors to define those colors it will display without dithering on monitors set for 256 colors. You can also see all of these colors on a background of any one of them on this page.

The following table shows the 216 colors in this color cube. Limiting images, backgrounds, etc. to these colors makes them work better for users with old graphics systems which can only deal with 256 colors. To express colors, most software will expect three numbers, either in Hex or Decimal, which represent Red, Green and then Blue (and often in that order). If your software expects you to express colors as triplets of hex pairs (e.g. "ffcc33"), use the numbers directly from the chart. If it expects decimal numbers, use the following conversions:

The color cube has the eight combinations of 00 and ff on the eight corners as follows:

These colors may be found on the four corners of the first and last planes of the color cube below (not in that order). Picture a cube of six by six by six blocks. Now slice that cube into six slices one block thick, each of those slices becomes a square of six by six blocks. It is these six slices which are displayed below as the six planes of the color cube. If you have trouble visualizing this, here is an orthogonal view of the cube. If you cannot distinguish between two colors on the cube, you might try adjusting the contrast and/or brightness settings on your monitor.

First plane of Color Cube - Blue = 00
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00
Second plane of Color Cube - Blue = 33
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00
Third plane of Color Cube - Blue = 66
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00
Fourth plane of Color Cube - Blue = 99
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00
Fifth plane of Color Cube - Blue = cc
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00
Sixth plane of Color Cube - Blue = ff
Green = ff Green = cc Green = 99 Green = 66 Green = 33 Green = 00
Red = ff
Red = cc
Red = 99
Red = 66
Red = 33
Red = 00