Dot Rose

A Few Characters

The following encodings should be used when writing for the web. I prefer to use the hex value and that's what the unicode charts and the unicode name list use.
Hex Value Decimal Value Character Character Name

Accented Letters
e8232èLatin small e, with grave
e9233éLatin small e, with acute

Arbitrary fractions my be produced by using the unicode slash \u2044 between two numbers. For instance, 5⁄16″ should display as 5⁄16″ (five sixteenths of an inch). To separate numbers that might be considered part of the fraction, us a zero-space character, such as \u2064. For instance, to display one and three-eighths, use 1⁤3⁄8, which should display as 1⁤3⁄8.
215b8539one eighth
bc188¼one quarter
215c8540three eighths
bd189½one half
215d8541five eighths
be190¾three quarters
215e8542seven eighths
21538531one third
21548532two thirds
21558533one fifth
21568534two fifths
21578535three fifths
21588536four fifths

Dashes, Elipses, etc.
20108208hyphen—this is always a hyphen, while the key next to the zero on your keyboard is a "hyphen-minus"
20138211en dash—used to indicate a range of just about anything with number, including dates, numbers, game scores, and pages in any sort of document.
20148212em dash—used to indicate a break in thought, a parenthetical statement that deserves more attention than parentheses indicate, or to indicate an open range
20268230ellipsis—used to indicate one or more missing words in a quotation
22128722minus—this is always a minus, while the key next to the zero on your keyboard is a "hyphen-minus"

Quotation Marks, Apostrophes, etc.
20188216opening single quote
20198217closing single quote
201c8220opening double quote
201d8221closing double quote
20328242single prime—used to represent feet or minutes
20338243double prime—used to represent inches or seconds

2638&Ampersand—or use & instead
3c60<Less-than sign—or use &lt; instead
3e62>Greater-than sign—or use &gt; instead
a0160 non-breaking space—or you can use &nbsp; for this
a3163£Pound sign
a9169©copyright symbol
ae174®registered (R) symbol
b0176°degree symbol
20ac8364Euro sign
21228482trade mark symbol
21918593up arrow (Note that this and the next three characters don't seem to scale smoothly. The arrows work best slightly enlarged from normal while the male and female symbols look best at 1em.
21938595down arrow
c + 327c + 807;to create combinations that don't have actual unicode characters, us a base character (in this case the lowercase letter 'c') with a combining character (in this case #773 (x0327), the combining cedilla). The combining diacritical marks are those characters from 768 through 879 (x0300 through x036f).
The following characters may be entered directly as keystrokes on the keyboard (i.e. you can just type them). They are Unicode (and ASCII) decimal characters 32 through 126 (the exceptions to this rule are x26, x3c, and x3e, which are &, <, and > respectively—see above):
Hex ValueDecimal ValueCharacterCharacter Name
2032 Space
2133!Exclamation point
2234"Straight Quotes
2335#Pound or Number sign
2436$Dollar sign
2537%Percent sign
2638&Ampersand (or use &amp;)
2739'Straight Apostrophe
2840(Left Parenthesis
2941)Right Parenthesis
2b43+Plus sign
2d45-Hyphen (or minus)
2e46.Full stop (period)
30 to 3948 to 570 to 9Digits 0 (zero) to 9 (nine)
3c60<Less-than sign (or use &lt;)
3d61=Equals sign
3e62>Greater-than sign (or use &gt;)
3f63?Question mark
4064@At sign
41 to 5a65 to 90A to ZCapital letters A to Z
5b91[Left Square Bracket
5d93]Right Square Bracket
5e94^Circumflex accent (caret, up-arrowhead)
5f95_Low line (spacing underline)
6096`Grave accent (backtick)
61 to 7a97 to 122a to zSmall letters a to z
7b123{Left Curly Bracket
7c124|Vertical Bar
7d125}Right Curly Bracket

Some of this information was taken from The Trouble With EM 'n EN (and Other Shady Characters).