Scribus Calendar Script
This script, when run in Scribus, will create a 12 page, tabloid size calendar. The top of each page has a place for an image. Get the script here:
- Languages: The script allows you to specify the language to use for month and day names. Currently, support is built in for English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Simply uncomment one of lines 12 to 17 to select that language for your calendar. If anyone sends me corrections or new language information, I'll make them.
- The default is for Sunday to be the first day shown on each page for calendars in English and Monday to be the first day for all other languages. If you would like to change this, simply comment or uncomment the appropriate line (lines 80, 87, 94, 101, 109, or 116). Note that you'll also want to modify the next line. If you change the first day from Monday to Sunday, change the SundayNumber line for your language from 6 to 0 (and vice versa).
- Page Size: The script allows you to specify the paper size by uncommenting one of lines 20 and 21. This will change the size of the document as well as some of the default size/spacing settings (see lines 54 through 72). Again, more page size options can be added.
- Other settings: Lines 35 to 39 let you set the font to use for your calendar. You may select fonts separately for the month names, day names, day numbers, text and the copyright notice. They may all be the same (the default) or different.
- Lines 41 to 52 let you control other sizing, spacing, and colors for your calendar. Sizes are in points since that is set as the default in the NewDoc command.