Dot Rose

What's In Bloom?

April 9, 2005

I went to the farm to plant my species rose garden. I retilled the plot and put them in the ground. Next week I'll bring up a load of composted manure and some mulch. The roses came from Forest Farm in Oregon and they are nicely leafed out. Most were in tubes but a few were in one-gallon pots. Of course, they are not in bloom yet and probably won't have many flowers this year at all. But I took one shot of the leaves of each plant, shown here in alphabetical order. As always, click on the images for larger images in a popup window.

28 Roses from Forest Farm
28 Roses from Forest Farm
One of the Rose plants
One of the Rose plants
The roses, planted
The roses, planted
The Entire Garden
The Entire Garden
The Entire Garden
The Entire Garden
The Entire Garden
The Entire Garden
<em>Forsythia</em> by the pond
Forsythia by the
<em>Rosa arkansana</em> (Wild Prairie Rose)
Rosa arkansana
(Wild Prairie Rose)
<em>Rose arvensis</em> (Field Rose)
Rose arvensis
(Field Rose)
<em>Rosa banksiae</em> 'Lutea' (Yellow Lady Banks Rose)
Rosa banksiae
'Lutea' (Yellow Lady Banks
<em>Rosa bella</em>
Rosa bella
<em>Rosa blanda</em> (Northern Prairie Rose)
Rosa blanda (Northern
Prairie Rose)
<em>Rosa brunonii</em> (Himalayan Musk Rose)
Rosa brunonii
(Himalayan Musk Rose)
<em>Rosa carolina</em> (Carolina Rose)
Rosa carolina
(Carolina Rose)
<em>Rosa chinensis</em> 'mutabilis'
Rosa chinensis
<em>Rosa</em> 'Complicata'
Rosa 'Complicata'
<em>Rosa davurica</em>
Rosa davurica
<em>Rosa dumalis</em> (Glaucous Dog Rose)
Rosa dumalis (Glaucous
Dog Rose)
<em>Rosa dupontii</em>
Rosa dupontii
<em>Rosa foliolosa</em>
Rosa foliolosa
<em>Rosa gymnocarpa</em>
Rosa gymnocarpa
<em>Rosa helenae</em> (Helen Wilson's Rose)
Rosa helenae (Helen
Wilson's Rose)
<em>Rosa hugonis</em> (Father Hugo's Rose)
Rosa hugonis (Father
Hugo's Rose)
<em>Rosa laevigata</em> (Cherokee Rose)
Rosa laevigata
(Cherokee Rose)
<em>Rosa nitida</em>
Rosa nitida
<em>Rosa nutkana</em> (Nootka Rose)
Rosa nutkana (Nootka
<em>Rosa pendulina</em> (Alpine Rose)
Rosa pendulina
(Alpine Rose)
<em>Rosa pimpinellifolia</em> (Burnet Rose)
Rosa pimpinellifolia
(Burnet Rose)
<em>Rosa rugosa</em> 'Therese Bugnet'
Rosa rugosa 'Therese
<em>Rosa setigera</em> (Prairie Rose)
Rosa setigera
(Prairie Rose)
<em>Rosa setipoda</em>
Rosa setipoda
<em>Rosa stylosa</em>
Rosa stylosa
<em>Rosa virginiana</em> (Virginia Rose)
Rosa virginiana
(Virginia Rose)
<em>Rosa woodsii</em> (Mountain Rose)
Rosa woodsii (Mountain
<em>Rosa xanthina</em> (Manchu Rose)
Rosa xanthina
(Manchu Rose)