What's In Bloom?
April 9, 2005
I went to the farm to plant my species rose garden. I retilled the plot and put them in the ground. Next week I'll bring up a load of composted manure and some mulch. The roses came from Forest Farm in Oregon and they are nicely leafed out. Most were in tubes but a few were in one-gallon pots. Of course, they are not in bloom yet and probably won't have many flowers this year at all. But I took one shot of the leaves of each plant, shown here in alphabetical order. As always, click on the images for larger images in a popup window.
28 Roses from Forest Farm |
One of the Rose plants |
The roses, planted |
The Entire Garden |
The Entire Garden |
The Entire Garden |
Forsythia by the pond |
Rosa arkansana (Wild Prairie Rose) |
Rose arvensis (Field Rose) |
Rosa banksiae 'Lutea' (Yellow Lady Banks Rose) |
Rosa bella |
Rosa blanda (Northern Prairie Rose) |
Rosa brunonii (Himalayan Musk Rose) |
Rosa carolina (Carolina Rose) |
Rosa chinensis 'mutabilis' |
Rosa 'Complicata' |
Rosa davurica |
Rosa dumalis (Glaucous Dog Rose) |
Rosa dupontii |
Rosa foliolosa |
Rosa gymnocarpa |
Rosa helenae (Helen Wilson's Rose) |
Rosa hugonis (Father Hugo's Rose) |
Rosa laevigata (Cherokee Rose) |
Rosa nitida |
Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose) |
Rosa pendulina (Alpine Rose) |
Rosa pimpinellifolia (Burnet Rose) |
Rosa rugosa 'Therese Bugnet' |
Rosa setigera (Prairie Rose) |
Rosa setipoda |
Rosa stylosa |
Rosa virginiana (Virginia Rose) |
Rosa woodsii (Mountain Rose) |
Rosa xanthina (Manchu Rose) |
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Henry H. and Catherine C. Hartley
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