Main Page Archive
Here are past main pages from the web site.
- The Tiananmen Square Massacre, June 4, 1989.
- The Gettysburg Address, Thursday, November 19, 1863.
- Psalm 146 Praise Ye The LORD!. March 22, 2010.
- Psalm 2 The Reign of the LORD'S Anointed. November 4, 2008.
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther. October 27, 2008.
- It Is Well With My Soul, by Horatio G. Spafford, 1873.
- Amazing Grace by John Newton. March 20, 2008.
- Meg-O Is Preg-O by Henry and Cathy Hartley. December 21, 2007.
- Contemplate by Samuel Adams. November 14, 2007.
- Summer Meadow by Henry Hartley. July 14, 2007.
- Farm Camp #2 by Dorothy and Henry Hartley. June 19 to July 14, 2007.
- Springtime by Henry Hartley. May 1 through June 19, 2007.
- How Deep the Father's Love For Us by Stuart Townend. We have a CD with this song being sung by Sarah Sadler. Kayte sang it during the “Man On The Tree” scene. This song graced our site from April 10 to the end of the month, 2007.
- Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. The school production of Pilgrim's Progress prompted the posting of this hymn, also written by Bunyan. It was put on our main page on March 20, 2007 and then was replaced in April with another song that was sung in our production.
- Disobedience by A.A. Milne. Dorothy needed to memorize a poem and picked this one, which graced our main page from February 9 through March 20, 2007.
- Thanksgiving a poem by Dorothy Hartley. I put this up shortly after she wrote it in her journal. It was on the main page until February, 2007.
- Farm Camp by Henry and Dorothy Hartley. We wrote this together in July, 2005 for Farm Camp at the Glenns. It was our main page for a long time, from then until Thanksgiving of 2006.
- Who Knows When by Dorothy Hartley. Dorothy wrote this song on November 13, 2004. I never got her to sing it for me so I don't know if it ever had a tune.
- Psalm 84 by the sons of Korah. We move from a seasonal main page to a timeless one. This was our main page from the summer until Thanksgiving of 2004.
- Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost Appropriate for the spring, this replaced the Christmas Carol in the spring of 2004.
- The Worcestershire Carol Dorothy and her class recited this, with hand motions, for the Christmas program at Fourth Church in 2003.
- Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne This was our main page from October 2002, when Dorothy turned six, until Christmas 2003.
- I'm Nobody by Emily Dickinson This is an old favorite of mine. It took us up to Dorothy's sixth birthday, October 4, 2002.