Blogs and Social Networking
Sections: Friends and Family | Regular Reads | Social Networking | Political | Christian | Tech/Sci | Climate Change | Misc
Friends and Family
- Adventures in Japan, Winnie Langelaar (also, see her Flickr page)
- CandY Gram, Craig and Yumiko (requires password)
- Freckled Lemonade Job, Rachel
- Lego My Bego, Megan and Ted Beglin
- Justia Omnibus: Service D.C., Lyla's Previous Blog
- Palabras: Writing from Costa Rica, Hannah
- Rambling Rhoads, Mike
- The Praise of Folly, Ben Carter
- David and Mary Chris Rowe
- Barrett and Molly Smith (Barrett and Molly).
- Tiny Beginnings, Stephanie
My Regular Reads
- Better Living (Thoughts from Mark Daniels)
- The Corner at National Review Online
- Desiring God (John Piper)
- Ezra Levant
- Private Papers (Victor Davis Hanson, et al)
- Pyromaniacs
- Mark D. Roberts
- Scriptorium (formerly Scriptorium Daily)
Social Networking Sites
Current Events or Political
- American Papist
- BeldarBlog
- Big Lizards
- Becker-Posner Blog, The
- Bleat, The
- Buzz
- Captain's Quarters
- Cheese and Crackers
- Chrenkoff
- Contentions
- Evangelical Outpost
- Expose the Left (lots of video footage archived)
- Football Fans For Truth
- Fraters Libertas
- Gallagher, Maggie
- Gateway Pundit
- Gen X at 40
- GotDesign
- Private Papers (Victor Davis Hanson, et al)
- Heritage Policy Weblog
- Hewitt, Hugh
- Infinite Monkeys
- Instapundit, Dr. Helen—the Instawife, and The Glenn and Helen Show
- Irish Pennants
- Just One Minute (Tom Maguire)
- Ezra Levant
- Light From The Shadows Politics and current events from an evangelical perspective
- M.A.W.B (Minnesota Alliance of Women Bloggers)
- Macleans Blog
- Malkin, Michelle
- The McCain Report
- Middlebrow - John Mark Reynolds
- Chuck Norris
- National Review Online
- Patterico's Pontifications (Harangues that just make sense)
- PINLO Report
- PoliPundit
- PowerLine
- Pudge, Journal of
- Radio Blogger
- Real Clear Politics
- ScrappleFace (humor, sometimes a bit sarcastic)
- Small Dead Animals
- State Department Republican Underground:
- Steyn Online
- Stones Cry Out
- Strange Women Lying in Ponds
- Two Minute Offense
- Volokh Conspiracy, The
- Yon, Michael: Online Magazine
- All These Things
- Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels
- Blogs 4 God
- Challies
- Christianity Today
- Coffee Swirls
- Desiring God (John Piper)
- Harvest Vision
- Joyful Christian
- Presbyterian Layman
- Mark D. Roberts
- Scriptorium Daily (John Mark Reynolds, et al)
- Tom In The Box (Theological Satire)
- Virtue Online The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism
- Witherington, Ben
Technology and Science
- Adamant - What's the Matter with Science and the Media?
- Circle ID
- Crypto-Gram Monthly security newsletter by Bruce Schneier
- Groklaw Legal matters in the technology field
- Photo Matt A WordPress developer's blog
- Slash Dot Very geeky, very pro-Linux
- Jon Lech Johansen
- Wladawsky-Berger, Irving
Climate Change
- Climate Skeptic
- Junk Science
- NC Media Watch
- Planet Gore
- Watts Up With That?
- University of Colorado, Mean Sea Level
- Red Kitchen, The Recipes, kitchen tips, and related links